

At Vertical, we believe firmly in the power of prayer, knowing that nothing will happen unless God moves.  None of our efforts will be successful if we are trying to accomplish this on our own strength.  We desperately need to rely fully on God’s hand to lead us every step of the way.  We earnestly covet your prayers as we seek to magnify the name of the Lord through Vertical Church Milwaukee. Here are some specific things you can join us in praying for:

- Our hearts to remain sensitive to the work of the Spirit 
- God to be glorified in all that we do
- Our lives to be characterized by generosity, humility, boldness for the gospel, and love
- The gospel to have a powerful presence in Milwaukee, and lives to be changed as they encounter our great God

We can only move forward on our knees. Will you join us in praying for Vertical Milwaukee and all that God wants to us to do in this city for His glory? As we seek the Lord together there is no limit to what He can accomplish through us!



We would love to pray for you! We have a prayer team that receives prayer requests from our church body weekly. Or, if you would like to keep your request confidential, you can let us know that it is just for the staff and elder team. You can submit your request below.




Guides and Resources

Weekly Worship Service

9:30am | Sundays at the Wilson Senior Center
2601 W Howard Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53221
