Life Groups

Life groups are the heartbeat of our church, the place where you’ll experience uncommon community vital to growing in your relationship with Jesus. Because in the end, we weren’t meant to do life alone. Life Groups are a key aspect of getting involved at Vertical, and better enable us to carry out our mission as a church.

Sunday morning services are indispensable, but there is much that cannot be accomplished during that brief time together. Our groups provide an environment where close-knit relationships are cultivated for the glory of God. They are designed to encourage men and women to grow as faithful followers of Jesus Christ and aim to increase group member's passion to live for Him.


  • Study the Word of God to apply God's truth to our lives
  • Mutually care for one another to meet tangible needs
  • Hold each other accountable to pursuing Christ-likeness
  • Share prayer requests and pray for each other
  • Perform acts of service and mercy to others in the community to bring the lost to Jesus

This year, our Life Group discussions will be centered around our sermon series. We will be updating a Discussion Guide each week so you can prepare your heart for this time together. While most of our discussions will be centered around the gospel and application questions, there will also be questions in the guide to help provide an overview of the passage and give you an opportunity for further study if you'd like to dig deeper on your own. If you weren't at church to hear the sermon, it will be available on our website to watch. We do recommend taking time to listen to or watch the sermons you missed so that you can more fully participate in the discussion during Life Group. 

If you aren't yet plugged into a group, we would love to help you find one that works for you! The following represent our current Life Groups. We would love to help you connect with the community at Vertical Church by getting you plugged into one. Fill out THIS FORM to get connected today.

Current Life Groups

Ross and Bella Hearne
Mondays, 6:30-8:30pm 

Jerry and Melissa Siewert + Matt and Jill Christensen
Hales Corners
Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30pm

Jesse and Ashlee Schmidt
Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30pm 


Weekly Worship Service

9:30am | Sundays at the Wilson Senior Center
2601 W Howard Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53221


